Surrendering our Loneliness to GoD


Have you ever felt lonely? Maybe you've felt the pains of loneliness throughout your life, like I have. Or maybe you're finding yourself stuck in ...

Have you ever felt lonely?

Maybe you've felt the pains of loneliness throughout your life, like I have.

Or maybe you're finding yourself stuck in loneliness during this pandemic and periods of extended isolation from friends and family.

Wherever you're coming from, know that you are NOT alone - not in your feelings of loneliness or as you walk through this world.

We see in the Psalms that David often encountered periods of loneliness.  In Psalm 25:16 he cries out "Turn to me and be gracious to me, for i am lonely and afflicted."

Does that sound familiar to you? That the weight of loneliness is just too much to bear sometimes?

The problem with our loneliness, when we don't surrender it to God, is that the enemy will use it to isolate us and try to stop God's plans for our lives.

We know from Jesus himself in John 10 that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. He doesn't want you walking in God's purpose.

And what ultimately is our purpose?  It's to love God and love people.  That's all about relationship and connection!

Take hearts friends. Jesus came to give us life to the full. Even if you can't see it right now in your situation He's working.

He's designed us for relationship with Him AND others.  He is a God of relationship as evidenced in the Trinity itself.

The need for connection is in our DNA.  Which is why we long for it, and feel so alone when it's missing.

I invite you today to trust God with your loneliness.  Lay it at the feet of Jesus and believe when he has promised to meet all your needs.

In the 23rd Psalm we it says The Lord ism shepherd; I shall not want. I believe that applies to all the things God has designed us to need - including relationships!

In the meantime, as you surrender your loneliness to Christ, let it be a situation that pulls you closer to the Lord. Take it as an opportunity to dive deeper in to the number one relationship we need - the one with Jesus.

Remember, you are a child of God with he indwelling Holy Spirit inside of you.  You are never alone.


Why We Need To Pray


It's heavy, Are y'all feeling it?